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Become A Hero

We would love for you to help us help others, change a life, share our joy.


Frequently Asked


What types of laptops are accepted for donation?
Laptops must be no more than 4 years old although high end brands may be slightly older, in good condition, sanitised, have webcam, charger and have a new hard disc installed or be wiped of all data and have an updated windows operating system.
We don’t repair or replace laptops once they are gifted. The laptops are no more than 4 years old, some even less, so they should be in good working order. The laptops are the responsibility of the charity or their clients.
The feedback that we have is that it takes about an hour for each laptop to be prepared and it may cost up to $50 to replace the hard drive or companies can use recommended aps to wipe data.

We can provide instructions for the wiping of data for your staff to use.

The Laptop Initiative has a strategic partnership with an e-waste specialist Zolo, they can pick up, securely transport and wipe data and provide ISSO Certification to comply with your company policies around data security.

Zolo is located in Sydney but is able to pick up laptops from around Australia.

A small percentage of laptops will be retained by Zolo to cover transportation and wiping costs, and the balance of devices will come to The Laptop Initiative for distribution to charities. Their website: .

As soon as we have a planned donation from a Corporate Hero we contact our charities to work out who needs how many and where, and whose needs are more urgent.
We try to pick up and deliver in just a few days. This way we don’t need storage or warehouses, and the laptops go quickly to those who need them.

For more information or to arrange a donation, please email or fill in the donate laptops now form on this website.